CARVER COMPLETE LOST Puddle Jumper (V4) - C7

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  • Combines the speed and agility of the Puddle Jumper with surfskate innovation.
  • Delivers a rail-to-rail feel for dynamic turns and smooth rides.
  • Enhanced with a fresh blue rail fade for a sleek, modern look.

Drawing from the iconic Puddle Jumper’s small wave prowess, this surfskate edition reimagines its agility for the pavement. Featuring a fresh blue rail fade paint job, it replicates the board’s tight carving and dynamic speed for a truly exhilarating ride.


Width: 10.5"

Wheelbase: 16.875"

Truck: C7

More Information
Color Blue, White
Shape Squash Tail
Board width 10.5 ''
Board length 30.5 ''
Practice Carving, Surfskate
Truck Type C7
Wheelbase 16.88 ''
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